Going Green with Hybrid Cars
Saturday, May 9, 2009
How to Create a Hybrid Car that Burns Water as Fuel for your cars ???...
HHO conversion is a relatively new but affordable conversion that the everyday person can attach to their car’s engine. It will not only enable drivers to save money on gas, but produce a more efficiently run vehicle with improved performance. HHO conversion can be performed on any kind of vehicle, whether it runs on diesel or gasoline, and can be done with the help of an installation manual and a few simple parts.
Scientific Process: Converting Water to Fuel
- In terms of atomic energy, one liter of water is equivalent to nearly 1 million barrels of oil. HHO conversion consists of splitting water(H2O) into its components- hydrogen, hydrogen and oxygen.
- This is done with an electric current generated by the car’s battery, which splits the H2O atoms into negative ions and positive electrons, and then reforms them into HHO.
- While this may sound complicated,implementing the process is very simple. Anyone can do it themselves with the help of a manual, or, if they are not mechanically minded, have a mechanic install the HHO conversion kit instead.
How to Acquire an HHO Conversion
While some may immediately shy away when they hear the word "hybrid," believing that it is too complicated, time-consuming and expensive, the HHO conversion is just the opposite. The manuals are around $30-$60, which can be ordered online or from a local automotive parts store, and the parts themselves are under $150. The HHO conversion kit, simply put, consists of an electrolyzer, a vaporizer, and a control unit. The electrolyzer is the most important part of the conversion, since this is the unit that converts the H2O atoms into HHO,or orthohydrogen.
Benefits of HHO ConversionHHO conversion enables consumers to affordably drive vehicles that typically get very poor gas mileage, such as Hummers, SUVs, and even motorhomes, which normally only get 7-9 mpg. If everyone who drove such a vehicle could get significantly reduce the amount of gasoline needed, and increase the mpg performance by 50%, there would be a lot more Hummers and motorhomes on the road, and there probably will be within the next several years. In addition to the money saved on gas, there is also the $2000 refund from the IRS for a hybrid conversion on a vehicle.
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