The Nissan Leaf Does 0-60MPH In Just 7 Seconds
A motor journalist has apparently dropped the clutch (figuratively) in a new Nissan Leaf and reported back with some figures, 0-60mph is a 7 second affair and he managed to get it up to 92mph (on a public road no less!). Both of these stats were set with a passenger in the car meaning that the Leaf might be capable of a little more, but just a smidge.

zero tailpipe emissions
100% electric – no gasoline required
high response synchronous AC motor 80kW
range –100 miles/charge based upon EPA LA4 test cycle2
speeds up to 90 mph
5 passengers, 5 doors
Nissan Navigation System

Nissan LEAF new car Technology.New generation electric cars aren't just 'normal' cars fitted with a battery instead of an internal combustion engine. They are a whole new type of car.

Nissan LEAF, the world's first electric vehicle that has similar affordability, performance and practicality of a 'normal' five-seat hatchback, is anything other than a typical hatchback. It's a revolution in zero emissions mobility.